2017年8月15日 星期二

科技新知_Delivery Robotics_Shiang-Wei Hsieh

Delivery Robot

The robots are European, created in Estonia by a company
 called Starship Technologies. 

Each 35-pound bot is a medium-sized cooler on six wheels,
 and drives at an average speed of about 5 miles per hour.

Integrated navigation and obstacle
Curbs and bumps on the road are no problem, and they
 robot can apparently make it up and down some sets of 
It can carry the equivalent of two grocery bags 
(around 10 kilograms) up to 5 kilometers from a local 
hub or retail outlet.

During delivery, shoppers can track the robot’s location in
 real time through a mobile app and on arrival only the 
app holder is able to unlock the cargo.
Cargo Robot (Gita)

A new robot introduced by Piaggio Fast Forward 
(herein abbreviated “PFF”)
A pleasingly roundish robot called Gita (“gee-tah”) 
that will follow you around, carrying 19 kilograms of 
tools, groceries, or whatever you want.
Most people who eat food, but Carrying a gallon 
of  milk a mile in a bag is super annoying, and what 
about the rest of your groceries?

The robot hauls everything, and you can walk, or 
jog, or bike home. 
Visual SLAM (simultaneous localization
 and mapping)
Gita navigates by using stereo cameras to
 generate point-cloud maps.
Different Gitas can all share point-cloud 
data with each other.
Delivery Robot
Carrying capacity
less than 20 kilograms
     19 kilograms
Moving speed
up to 35 kilometers per hour
 5 kilometers per hour
navigation system
like Google’s autonomous cars do 
     visual SLAM

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